Friday, March 7, 2014

To the one who thinks on similar lines as I do..

Two years back I created this space to jot down my thoughts. Two years down the lane I realize, I have not used this space at all. All my thoughts remain vaulted in my mind. All my expressions remain unexpressed. My voice unheard.. And I..ignored. Why? Not because I don't have anything to say but because I won't say...

Today, as I start the countdown towards the closing of yet another chapter in  my life, I realize I have lost the capability of expressing myself..effectively..and make myself heard.

My two years in Bangalore have been full of experiences that have helped me evolve myself into a better human being. The two years of my corporate life at a leading real-estate company have been no less than an adventure.

I still remember very clearly how reluctant I was to put my name for the campus interview for this company. Had it not been for Sandeep's insistence, I would not have joined this company. I remember asking him the purpose of me joining this company as real estate was definitely not my cup of tea. But he was adamant. I had to go for it. Not because I did not have any option but because I will not get any option staying there in Kochi and hence was good that at least I get out of that place and go to Bangalore and find myself a better job.

Hardly did I know or even did he that this company will become my classroom for the next two years and I will learn the basics of real estate here.

I very well remember my first day here. I was greeted by the HR Executive who was guiding me through the formalities. In the midst of explaining all the formalities, she received a call from the Director- Sales & Mkting to know if I had turned up to to join the company. I felt so privileged and to be honest, even proud of myself, for having been able create an indelible impression on his mind. 

Having completed all the joining in formalities, I was ready to meet my team and was accompanied by the HR Executive to my workstation. I never knew I was about to meet the person who would be preparing me not for my job but for the game of life. My Senior Manager's rough, strict attitude made him repulsive initially. It took me time to understand that what he wanted me to learn was not the day-to-day job but how to lead my daily life. Today, although I have not become as thick skinned as he is, I have learnt to accept things and move on in life. I have learnt to take that hard decision no matter how heart wrenching it may be and evolve as stronger person. 

The decision to call it over with Sandeep was not easy. I could not bear to stand a minute separation from him let alone a whole life. But as my Senior Manager always says, one has to take that bitter pill one day. You will realize soon it has only resulted in your evolution as a stronger being. 

Today, as I stand on the verge of leaving the company, I cannot thank Sandeep enough for having forced me to join this company...for having stood by me during the trying times...and for loving me like crazy...

It wasn't an easy decision. But the realization that it was leading both of us to nowhere was all the more taxing. I had to free both the souls from this wrangle and set them flying to touch higher skies.. And as my Senior Manager (now Gen Mgr) had said, the pain you inflicted to him won't last long. But the after- effects will. It will help him grow and take the journey that he wants to and finally lead him to happiness..

Today, he is a better person. More focused and determined towards meeting his goals. It feels good to see him evolve into a stronger being. And that is the best gift I could give to myself as well...

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